Digital Illustration-GD211

Adobe Illustrator class

Semester 3
Final Grade: A

Content includes:
Final-The Claw Poster

6 Assignments, comprehesive pieces for the class.
1 Practice piece required during class.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Halloween's Curse-Assignment 5

The instructor suggested to make the mom fatter, so I did for this last draft. I do like the comparison between the two, and the difference in 'time' helps to mark the changes in the individuals. I believe this better communicates what I was going for originally.
The instructor did say he liked this one much better, too.

Many of the class participants stated that they would like to see the people as obese. One student recommended having a ton of food behind them to ask the question, "Why are they eating more when they are already obese?"
I liked his idea so much I thought I would try it to see if it conveyed the message better.
It makes me want to combine this image with the Final image and add years to the banner. "Happy Halloween 2008!" and then, "Happy Halloween 2010!" I believe that would convey the message I was originally going for.

Here is the final piece I turned in. The obese shadows in the background are intended to convey the character's future selves if they continue to eat more and more 'traditional' holiday snacks.
Unfortunately, the class also felt that this idea was not conveyed well and that shadows have nothing to do with a foreseeable future.
While I can see their point of view I still think it's a nice piece.

This was an assignment to create a cover for popular "The New Yorker" magazine. The magazine cover typically follows a certain art style and conveys a message.
My wife and I are huge health advocates and while we are both huge fans of Halloween we also realize the unhealthy impact the holidays have on our nation.
While I agreed with my class that the draft piece fails to deliver the message I still feel it's a beautiful piece.
As part of their suggestion I'm going for a different aim for the final piece.

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